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Tabia Iyene Princewill (TIP) is an accomplished journalist, public policy analyst and strategic communications consultant, she has worked at state and national levels in Nigeria, most recently in the Office of the Speaker of the National Assembly as a Special Assistant on Policy, Social development and interparliamentary affairs. She is passionate about hosting and developing solution-oriented citizens engagement forums where women and young people especially can debate, mobilize and organize in order to exercise power and

influence over our collective future. She is very committed to deep-seated change for the improvement of Nigeria and Africa using the media to promote pan-African conversations on our socio-economic value systems, placing Africa at the center of modernity (where it belongs) rather than the margins.

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Ella Nkese Duke (aka Amour) is a storyteller, illustrator/graphic designer and animated documentary filmmaker. She is dedicated to contributing to the welfare and mental health of her fellow human beings, through Art. With her art, she wants to ignite in people a strong sense of self-love and self-confidence, with the goal to encourage them to go for their dreams and reach their full potential in life.

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